

Headquartered in Belgium, Option specializes in wireless IoT solutions enabling Machine to Machine (M2M) communication.
With more than 25 years of experience and many industry firsts, the Company is ideally positioned to offer efficient, reliable and secure IoT solutions across a variety of industries and applications.
Option partners with system integrators, value added resellers, application platform providers, value added distributors and network operators to bring tailor-made solutions to customers around the world.

Option Engineering Services

Option backs its advanced CloudGate IoT solution platform with an extensive engineering consultancy capable of helping you succeed. Our talent and experience have proven extremely effective in helping companies effectively and efficiently develop products.

We work with organizations which seek to leverage our years of specialized wireless communications experience to speed time-to-market, reduce risk and proactively avoid product design and development pitfalls.

Option’s Engineering Services and our in-house and state-of-the-art OptionLab, are here to help you recognize and capitalize on market opportunities. From early stage product feasibility assessments, to final product manufacturing, our Engineering Services can support your full range of needs.

For more information, consult www.engineering.option.com

+ Option in the community

Option supports socio-economic projects both in and outside the company walls. Candidates for support are carefully selected following thorough evaluation of both the ambitions and the technological and innovative qualities of the project.

+ Business Ethics

Option® is mindful of its responsibility to behave in an ethical manner in the course of pursuing its business goals, and the company, including all its subsidiaries, affiliates and/or consolidated holdings, is committed to the following practices:

We will not invest in any of the following areas:

  • marketing, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons
  • marketing, development or production of weapons of war or other armaments
  • marketing, development or production of products involving animal fur or animal testing
  • production of strategic parts of weapon systems of any kind
  • marketing, development or production of pornography or products from the sex, hard drugs or tobacco industry

We will not engage in any of the following activities:

  • use of children under the legal age for employment
  • use of forced, bonded or compulsory labour

We will not discriminate against our employees in any of the following areas:

  • on the grounds of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion, age or nationality
  • on the grounds of pregnancy or maternity leave

We will put into place checks, controls and procedures to ensure all our suppliers and sub-contractors:

  • have ethical standards that do not compromise any of the above
  • have checks, controls and procedures that ensure their suppliers or sub-contractors do not compromise any of the above

Prevention of Corruption
We will include in our distribution and supply agreements anti-bribery standard clauses. Our employment policies outline measures that can and will be taken in order to prevent corruption. Option®, as a public company and a member of the ETHIBEL Sustainability index, respects the Corporate Governance rules.

+ Environmental responsibility

Throughout its operations, defined as “the sourcing, manufacture and supply of wireless communication products and solutions”, Option® recognizes its environmental responsibilities to its staff, shareholders, customers and the general public. To this end we are committed to a continual improvement in the operating environment of our facilities. We maintain and document an Environmental Management System conforming to: ISO 14001: 1996, and take into account all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements, including those of customers and the local operating environment. Our environmental policy includes the following core principles:
  • communication of our policies both internally and externally
  • commitment to continual improvement in environmental performance
  • taking account of the input of staff, customers, shareholders, government, local authorities, interested third parties and the general public
  • awareness and training on environmental issues so as to create a better environment for all through the reduction, recycling and reuse of waste, optimum usage of resources and elimination of polluting releases into the environment
  • compliance with all applicable regulations and legislation
  • prevention of pollution
  • manufacture in a safe environment of products supplied to customer specifications and requirements
Our management is committed to providing the resources necessary to ensure that the company’s environmental objectives and targets are achieved. Option has done substantial efforts to align customer requests for customization while lowering its ecological footprint. This resulted in our offering of environmentally friendly and highly customizable packaging. If you want to read more on our packaging, click here.

+ Financial calendar

 Financial Calendar 

  Financial Calendar
  Crescent intends to release its financial information in 2022 on the following dates:

Full Year 2021 results and annual report 2021:

Friday April 29, 2022- before market trading

Half year 2022  results & Interim  Financial report:

Friday September 23, 2022  - before market trading

Annual Shareholders Meeting: Tuesday May 31, 2022 - 10h00 CET - Gaston Geenslaan 14, Leuven (Belgium).

  Financiële Agenda
  Crescent heeft de intentie om haar financiële informatie in 2022 op volgende data te publiceren:

Jaarresultaten 2021 en jaarverslag 2021:

vrijdag 29 April, 2022 – voor beurstijd

Half jaar 2022 resultaten en halfjaarlijks financieel verslag:

vrijdag 23 september, 2022  - voor beurstijd

Algemene aandeelhoudersvergadering: dinsdag 31 mei, 2022 - 10u00 CET - Gaston Geenslaan 14, Leuven (België).




+ Financial results

Financial News 2015 onwards - see Reports & Publications


Financial News 2015 / Financieel Nieuws 2015

Financial News 2014 / Financieel Nieuws 2014


Financial News 2013 / Financieel Nieuws 2013

  • Third Quarter Trading Update 2013 ( UK / NL )
  • First Half Year Results 2013 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Trading Update 2013 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Half Year & Full Year Results 2012 ( UK / NL )

Financial News 2012 / Financieel Nieuws 2012

  • Third Quarter Trading Update 2012 (UK / NL )
  • First Half Year Results 2012 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Trading Update 2012 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Half Year & Full Year Results 2011 (UK / NL)


Financial News 2011 / Financieel Nieuws 2011

  • Third Quarter Trading Update 2011 (UK / NL)
  • First Half Year Results 2011 (UK / NL)
  • First Quarter Trading Update 2011 (UK / NL)
  • Second Half Year & Full Year Results 2010 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2010 / Financieel Nieuws 2010

  • Third Quarter Trading Update 2010 ( UK / NL )
  • First Half Year Results 2010 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Trading Update 2010 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2009 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2009 / Financieel Nieuws 2009

  • Third Quarter Results 2009 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2009 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2009 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2008 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2008 / Financieel Nieuws 2008

  • Third Quarter Results 2008 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2008 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2008 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2007 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2007 / Financieel Nieuws 2007

  • Third Quarter Results 2007 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2007 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2007 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2006 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2006 / Financieel Nieuws 2006


Financial News 2005 / Financieel Nieuws 2005

  • Third Quarter Results 2005 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2005 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2005 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2004 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2004 / Financieel Nieuws 2004

  • Third Quarter Results 2004 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2004 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2004 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2003 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2003 / Financieel Nieuws 2003


Financial News 2002 / Financieel Nieuws 2002

+ Statutory accounts

+ Prospectus




(artikel 18, § 2, d) van de Prospectuswet van 16 juni 2006)  

Op grond van artikel 18, §  2, d) van de Wet van 26 juni 2006 op de openbare aanbieding van beleggings­in­stru­menten en de toelating tot de verhandeling op een gereglementeerde markt, wordt de onderstaande gelijkwaardige informatie ter beschikking gesteld :

  1. Verslag van de raad van bestuur aangaande de inbrengen in natura (artikel 602, lid 1 W.Venn.)
  2. Verslag van de commissaris aangaande de inbrengen in natura (artikel 602, lid 1 W.Venn.)
  3. Verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel 582 van het Wetboek van vennootschappenwaarbij een omstandige verantwoording wordt gegeven van de uitgifteprijs en de financiële gevolgen van de kapitaalverhoging door uitgifte van aandelen beneden de fractiewaarde van de bestaande aandelen.
  4. Verslag van de commissaris van de vennootschap overeenkomstig artikel 582 van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen waarin deze verklaart dat de in het verslag van de raad van bestuur opgenomen financiële en boekhoudkundige gegevens getrouw zijn en voldoende om de algemene vergadering voor te lichten.
  5. Bijkomend bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel 633 van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen.
  6. Fairness opinies inzake waardering Crescent NV (voorheen Option NV) en Crescent Ventures NV (voorheen Crescent NV)
  7. Notulen van de buitengewone algemene vergadering van 22 mei 2018
  8. Gecoördineerde statuten van de Vennootschap per 22 mei 2018
  9. Corporate governance charter van de Vennootschap
  10. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2014
  11. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2015
  12. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2016
  13. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2017
  14. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2018
  15. Geconsolideerd Halfjaarrapport 2018
  16. Gecorrigeerde geconsolideerde Tabellen juni 2018
  17. Gepubliceerde jaarrekeningen van 2018, 2017 en 2016 van de ingebrachte beschreven vennootschappen:
  18. Persberichten sedert 1 januari 2015, incl. trading update Q1 2019 van 20 mei 2019






VAN 116.464.000  BIJKOMENDE AANDELEN - 27 juni 2017

(artikel 18, § 2, d) van de Prospectuswet van 16 juni 2006)


Bijlage A - Bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel 602 van het wetboek van vennootschappen

Bijlage B - Verslag van de commissaris overeenkomstig artikel 602 van het wetboek van vennootschappen

Bijlage B2 - Brief Deloitte Correctie Inbreng in natura

Bijlage C - Akte kapitaalverhoging

Bijlage D - Coördinatie statuten Option NV

Bijlage E - Corporate Governance Charter Option NV

Bijlage F - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2013

Bijlage G - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2014

Bijlage H - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2015

Bijlage I -  Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2016

Bijlage J – Halfjaarcijfers 2016

Bijlage K - Persberichten






(artikel 18, § 2, d) van de Prospectuswet van 16 juni 2006)


Bijlage A - Bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel 602 van het wetboek van vennootschappen

Bijlage B - Verslag van de commissaris overeenkomstig artikel 602 van het wetboek van vennootschappen

Bijlage C - Akte kapitaalverhoging

Bijlage D - Coördinatie statuten Option NV

Bijlage E - Corporate Governance Charter Option NV

Bijlage F - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2013

Bijlage G - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2014

Bijlage H - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2015

Bijlage I -  Halfjaarcijfers 2016

Bijlage J – Jaarcijfers 2016

Bijlage K - Persberichten

+ Capital structure NL


(a) Totaal maatschappelijk kapitaal   EUR 11.995.923,06
(b) Totaal aantal stemrechtverlenende effecten   1.697.689.345
(c) Totaal aantal stemrechten (= de noemer)   1.697.689.345
Aandeelhouder (>3%)   %
(A) Eric Van Zele/Van Zele Holding   28,5%
(B) Alychlo/Marc Coucke/Mylecke   11,8%
(C) Jan Callewaert   7,8%
(D) Danlaw   6,1%

Laatste update: november 2021


+ Capital structure UK


(a) Total share capital EUR 11,995,923.06 
(b) Total number of voting securities 1,697,689,345
(c) Total number of voting rights (= the denominator) 1,697,689,345
Shareholder (>3%) %
(A) Eric Van Zele/Van Zele Holding 28.5%  
(B) Alychlo/Marc Coucke/Mylecke 11.8%
(C) Jan Callewaert 7.8%
(D) Danlaw 6.1%

Last update:  November  2021


+ Transparency filing

Transparency filing

In accordance with the requirements of the current legislation on the disclosure of major participations in issuers of which shares are admitted to trading on a ‘regulated market’, are any natural or legal person who, directly or indirectly, acquire or resign shares or other voting granting financial instruments of the company, whether or not they represent capital, compulsory by the law applicable at that time, are obliged to inform both the Company and  the FSMA of the number of financial instruments owned as well as the percentage of existing voting rights whenever the voting rights are attached to these financial instruments reach a first time three percent (3%) and then five percent (5%) or a multiple of five percent (5%), exceed or fall below such percentage. The involved shareholders must comply with the statutory requirements and regulations in this regard.


Overeenkomstig de voorschriften van de vigerende wetgeving inzake de`openbaarmaking van belangrijke deelnemingen in emittenten waarvan aandelen zijn toegelaten tot de verhandeling op een gereglementeerde markt', is elke natuurlijke of rechtspersoon die, rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks, aandelen of andere stemrecht verlenende financiële instrumenten van de vennootschap, die al dan niet het kapitaal vertegenwoordigen, verwerft of afstaat, verplicht in de omstandigheden voorzien door de op dat ogenblik toepasselijke wetgeving, zowel de vennootschap als de FSMA kennis te geven van het aantal financiële instrumenten dat hij bezit, alsook het percentage van de bestaande stemrechten, telkens wanneer de stemrechten verbonden aan deze financiële instrumenten een eerste maal drie procent (3%) en vervolgens vijf procent (5%) of een veelvoud van vijf procent (5%) bereiken, overschrijden of beneden zulk percentage zakken. De betrokken aandeelhouders dienen zich te conformeren naar de wettelijke voorschriften ter zake.

    • Declaration of interest / Kennisgeving 2019

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    • Declaration of interest / Kennisgeving 2018
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For information dated afterto May 22 2018 - please refer to www.crescent-ventures.com

Voor informatie gedateerd na 22 mei 2018 - raadpleeg www.crescent-ventures.com

+ Shareholders’ meetings

Shareholders’ meeting 

Ordinary General Meeting - 31 May 2021


Extraordinary General Meeting - 31 March 2021


Ordinary General Meeting - 29 May 2020

Extraordinary General Meeting - 20 December 2019


Ordinary General Meeting - 20 June 2019

Extraordinary General Meeting - 20 June 2019

Ordinary General Meeting - 15 June 2018

Extraordinary General Meeting - 22 May 2018


Ordinary General Meeting – 31 May 2018

Extraordinary General Meeting - 2 May 2018


Extraordinary General Meeting - 30 June 2017

Ordinary General Meeting – 30 June 2017

 Extraordinary General Meeting - 12 June 2017

PREVIOUS Shareholder's meetings

Ordinary General Meeting – 31 May 2016

  • Extraordinary General Meeting - 8 January 2016
  • Extraordinary & Ordinary General Meeting - 30 April 2012
    • Agenda Extraordinary & Ordinary General Meeting  (UK / NL)

+ By-laws

+ Press releases


tLeuven - Belgium, September 28 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today unveiled its innovative HSDPA-Ready technology that enables Option’s GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE™ and the GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ wireless data cards to be upgraded by the user into full-blown HSDPA devices.

Currently 3 major network operators have announced solutions based on Option’s HSDPA- Ready products.

tToday’s mobile market is highly competitive. Network operators are striving to capture new data users whose expectations are formed by their fixed line experience with ADSL or WLAN services. The transition to HSDPA with speeds up to 1.8 Mbps, enabling the reality of cost-effective wide area broadband wireless, is a compelling solution for network operators and their data subscriber customers. Option’s HSDPA-Ready solution is leading the way in bringing a significant competitive advantage to network operators. These operators are, as of today, empowered to market data cards that are HSDPA-Ready. Whenever the operator decides to launch HSDPA services in its territory, a simple firmware upgrade, available via the operator’s website, is sufficient to release the full power of HSDPA on the Option data card. The mobile user is also a clear winner. In buying a GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE™ or GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ data solution today, the user is assured of the fact that the investment is secure and future-proof for impending HSDPA services.

tJan Callewaert, CEO Option: “The real innovation of our HSDPA-Ready solution lies in its simplicity. This unique and innovative solution gives our network operator customers a compelling marketing advantage of between 4 to 6 months. Users may otherwise delay their data card buying decision until HSDPA services are launched. Now users can purchase our GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE™ or GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ HSDPA Ready wireless data cards taking advantage of the latest combination of 3G and EDGE technologies without the need to buy a new card in 2006 when the HSDPA services become available. Listening to and understanding the need of our customers, combining know-how with the technologies driving our business, once again has resulted in a world’s first technology innovation. I am very proud of this accomplishment and congratulate the Option team for the excellent work”

tOption announced its first water-proof HSDPA demonstrations early this year at CeBIT 2005 (Hannover, March 2005) and CTIA Wireless (New-Orleans, March 2005) tradeshows. Currently the GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE™ and the GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ are “HSDPA-Ready”.


HSDPA is a migration technology for the UMTS wireless standard used by leading mobile network operators across Europe, Japan and North America to deliver voice and data services. HSDPA boosts network capacity to carry up to three times as much data traffic and up to twice as many wireless users per cell site compared to today’s UMTS networks. By making more efficient use of the existing network and boosting throughput, HSDPA significantly reduces operating costs while delivering a better end user experience. As such HSDPA will enable faster mobile services like high-resolution interactive gaming, multimedia music tracks, DVD-quality film and video.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411, E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411, E-mail: investor@option.com

Keywords: HSDPA, data card, GlobeTrotter, EDGE, WLAN, Wi-Fi, GlobeTrotter FUSION, GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD, GlobeTrotter FUSION+, EDGE data card, data card solution, HSDPA Services.




tLeuven - Belgium, September 28 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today launched the latest in its range of GlobeTrotter FUSION products - the GlobeTrotter FUSION+™. This new data card, member of the blockbuster FUSION product family, is the fusion of the latest in available wireless technologies currently deployed by network operators, 3G (UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, and Wireless LAN 802.11g, in a single wireless data card.

tThe GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ is unique in the market being the only such wireless data card available in the market today. The GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ is currently in the final stage of product validation with a number network operators and commercial shipments of the product are due to commence during October.

tDouglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing: “We continue to respond to the needs of our customers, the mobile network operators. Feedback from our customers on our FUSION product range continues to be positive and the market for wireless data cards combining wide area technologies such as 3G and EDGE with WLAN/Wi-Fi remains buoyant. This is mainly due to the need for simplicity for the end-user and a unified product platform that is easily marketed, maintained, and supported by the network operator. The GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ broadens our market with the addition of EDGE which has been widely adopted both in Europe as well as the US market. This product now enables network operators to offer a single wireless data card solution capable of roaming world-wide whilst automatically and seamlessly selecting the fastest and most convenient data connection for their users. With the GlobeTrotter FUSION™, the GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD and the GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ we have 3 exceptional high-end data cards to offer our customers.”

On a 3G network, GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ connects to the Internet at data speeds of up to 384 kbps. Move into range of a public WiFi hotspot, the corporate Wireless LAN, or your home wireless network and the GlobeTrotter Fusion+ gives you speeds up to 54Mbps. In areas where 3G service or WiFi is not available the GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ still enables reliable and secure data connections over E-GPRS at up to 247 kbps and GPRS at up to 85.6 kbps.


- Available as two market variants:

° North America (850/1900 UMTS & 850/900/1800/1900 EDGE/GPRS)

° EMEA (2100 UMTS & 850/900/1800/1900 EDGE/GPRS)

- Multimode WLAN/UMTS/E-GPRS/GPRS/GSM card

- Provides UMTS High-speed data up to 384 kbps

- Provides E-GPRS/GPRS/GSM data up to 247 kbps

- Provides Wi-Fi® CERTIFIED WLAN speeds up to 54 Mbps WLAN 802.11g

- Transparent handover between UMTS and GSM/E-GPRS networks

- Optional seamless handover between WLAN and 2,5G/3G with Option’s Unlimited Connection Mobile IP client software

- Compatible with nearly all popular notebook PCs equipped with Type II PC card slot and Microsoft Windows operating system

- Securely access corporate resources with support for IPSec and VPN technology.

- PCSC-driver for EAP-SIM and other 3-party applications in need of a Smart Card Interface.

- WLAN encryption 64 or 128-bit key WEP and TKIP

- WLAN authentication 802.1x; Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA™ - Enterprise

- HSDPA-Ready future proofing through Flash Memory technology

- Comprehensively tested on infrastructures and networks worldwide.

- GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ is customisable for mobile operators and IT manufacturers.

In addition to the GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ wireless data card, Option offers its premier GlobeTrotter Mobility Manager™ software enabling users of the card to have fast, simple and easy access to wireless data whilst hiding from the user the complexity of underlying wireless 3G UMTS, GPRS and WLAN technologies. In conjunction with Option’s mobile IP solution the user will be able to seamlessly roam between access technologies 3G, 2G and WLAN with automatic authentication using GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ inbuilt support for PC Smart Card and EAP-SIM.

The GlobeTrotter FUSION+™ further extends Option’s range of GlobeTrotter wireless data cards, now totaling 9 data cards: GlobeTrotter (GPRS), GlobeTrotter COMBO™ (GPRS/WLAN), GlobeTrotter COMBO EDGE™ (EDGE/GPRS/WLAN), GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD (3G UMTS/GPRS), GlobeTrotter FUSION™ (3G UMTS/GPRS/WLAN), GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD, GlobeTrotter EDGE™ (EDGE/GPRS) and GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE™ (3G UMTS/EDGE/GPRS).

Product Datasheet : https://www.option.com/products/overview.shtml

Product Screenshots: https://www.option.com/news/6_3_presskit.shtml

For more information please contact

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

Keywords: HSDPA, data card, GlobeTrotter, EDGE, WLAN, Wi-Fi, GlobeTrotter FUSION, GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD, GlobeTrotter FUSION+, EDGE data card.


Orange extends Business Everywhere solution with Option’s GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE™ card - the world’s first multi-bearer mobile 3G and EDGE wireless data solution for the business user

London - September 27, 2005 - Orange SA today extends its Business Everywhere solution with a new mobile PC data offer that enables laptop users to access the network whenever and wherever they are . Business Everywhere is a fully integrated range of worldwide mobility solutions, offered by the France Telecom Group, providing transparent access through wireless, fixed and mobile bearers. Following a strategic agreement with Option (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, Orange is the first operator in Europe to announce the ‘all-wireless technology’ data solution as part of its Business Everywhere portfolio.

The new device will deliver a simple and intuitive software experience through a customised Business Everywhere dashboard and the fastest wireless access to allow users to access email and browse the internet using the best available network across Europe. Business Everywhere offers users a complete business mobile experience including software & hardware, access to the network that suits their communications needs and is supported by a highly competitive flat rate tariff.

Regardless of location, continual high speed access through the new ‘all wireless technology’ enables business users to reliably send and receive emails with or without large data files, whether via the internet or by quick and easy access to a corporate IT networks. Orange business customers also benefit from competitive and predictable flat-rate usage tariffs.

Business Everywhere is optimised to support business travellers with its ‘all wireless technology’ capabilities and can be used while roaming across Orange’s pan-European footprint. Trials have already commenced and the service will be available in France and Poland from early November. The new ‘all wireless technology’ product will be launched in the remaining Orange territories throughout 2006 as part of a phased pan-European roll-out. Orange business customers will benefit from the ‘fastest possible’ performance in their home country and on any mobile or WiFi network that has a roaming agreement with Orange.

The Business Everywhere solution automatically senses the fastest network access available, starting with WiFi, 3G through to EDGE and GPRS. Or alternatively the user can specify the order of preference that best suits them, giving customers the ultimate flexibility and control.

“We are pleased to deliver such a high-quality, business-enabling tool that allows our customers to take advantage of our superior EDGE and 3G networks on a cost-friendly flat-rate tariff,” says Philippe Bernard, Executive Vice President, Orange Business Solutions. The complexity behind this new ‘all wireless technology’ data solution is completely hidden from the user. All they need to know, or care about, is that they have flexible, cost-effective and real-time access to business information while on the move. We are pleased to be working with Options to deliver such a high-quality solution to our customers.

Jan Callewaert, CEO at Option: “We are very pleased to be working in partnership with Orange in terms of supporting its Business Everywhere solution. Orange demonstrates that it definitely understands mobile user needs for simplicity, speed, and seamlessly switching between various technologies. Option is privileged to be working with Orange in terms of making its 3G/EDGE data card commercially available.”

Philippe Bernard adds ‘Orange is leading the market with our mobile broadband vision. Execution of market leading propositions such as our new ‘all wireless technology’ Business Everywhere solution will ignite new customer demand. Our combined 3G and Edge networks give mobile broadband access to the widest population – covering 85% in France and 78% in Poland - and we are rapidly growing coverage across Belgium, Romania and Slovakia. Orange is the first operator to provide such extensive high speed mobile data network coverage.’

The Business Everywhere solution offers shorter transmission processes leading to increased productivity and efficiency of users who no longer have to spend time travelling to and from the office simply to access the internet, their email, corporate applications and critical data.

As well as supporting Business Everywhere, this 3G/EDGE™ datacard is also the latest addition to the recently launched Orange Signature devices for business range. All Orange business devices across the Signature range are tested rigorously for quality, longevity, cost and ease of deployment in the business environment. The Business Everywhere ‘all mobile technology’ is designed for use with Windows® based laptop PC’s and features a customised dashboard providing an easy-to-use and intuitive experience.



Orange and wirefree and any other Orange product or service names included in this material are trademarks of Orange PCS. Orange is one of the world’s largest mobile communications companies and a subsidiary of the France Telecom group, with operations in 17 countries across Europe and beyond. It provides a broad range of personal communications services, including Orange GSM1800 services and other digital cellular telephone services. Within the Orange Group, the Orange brand operates in the UK, France, Poland, Switzerland, Romania, Slovakia, Thailand, the Ivory Coast, the Dominican Republic, Cameroon, the Netherlands, Botswana, and Madagascar. The Orange group also has controlled operations in Belgium (Mobistar). The Orange group has a joint controlling interest in Egypt (MobiNil) and minority interests in Portugal (Optimus) and in Austria (One). As at the end of June 2005, Orange had 14.46 million active customers in the UK, and over 21.4 million registered customers in France. As at the end of June 2005, Orange controlled companies had over 56.1 million customers worldwide. Orange, along with TIM, Telefonica and T-Mobile, is a founding member of the FreeMove alliance. Further information about Orange can be found on the Orange website at www.orange.com.


Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.


For Orange

Georgina Hart at Edelman on +44 (0) 20 7 344 1315 / georgina.hart@edelman.com

Steve Loynes at Edelman on +44 (0) 20 7 344 1219 / steve.loynes@edelman.com

Kristina Fitzsimmons at Orange on +44 (0)7971 231372 / kristina.fitzsimmons@orange.co.uk

For Option

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing, Tel +32 (0)16 317 411, E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO, Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411, E-mail: investor@option.com

Paris - Louvain - Belgique, 14 septembre 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI , OTC: OPNVY), annonce que pour la troisième année consécutive elle sera présente au “Midcap Events” de Paris, une plateforme de rencontre entre des investisseurs institutionnels européens et des sociétés cotées Midcaps belges, françaises, néerlandaises et portugaises. Le tout se déroule sous la houlette des Brokers parmi les plus importants des pays du marché Euronext.

“Notre leadership mondial dans la niche des cartes PC pour la communication sans fil, notre gamme de produits combinant les différentes technologies sont ensemble avec la visibilité de nos partenariats de distribution, notamment avec SFR et Orange, des points d’intérêts pour les institutionnels français”, déclare Frederic Convent, Directeur Financier. “ De plus, la guidance de la croissance de notre chiffre d’affaires – en hausse de plus de 70% par rapport à 2004 - et de nos résultats contribuent à générer une attention accrue des investisseurs.” La capitalisation boursière de la société dépasse les 400 millions € et le flottant est plus 80%. Option fait partie des segments NextEconomy, Bel Mid et Ethibel (responsabilité sociale des entreprises).

À propos d’Option

Option SA (www.option.com ), est la principale innovatrice en matière de communication sans fil. L’entreprise est spécialisée dans la conception, le développement et la fabrication de produits des technologies 3G WCDMA (HSDPA & UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM et WLAN pour des solutions de connectivité sans fil à large bande. Option s’est forgé une réputation enviable de concepteur de produits innovants qui permettent d’améliorer les performances et les fonctionnalités de la communication mobile de données. Le siège d’Option se situe à Louvain, en Belgique. L’entreprise possède son centre de recherche et développement à Louvain, un centre de développement de logiciels et d’applications à Adelsried (Allemagne) et une unité de logistique et d’ingénierie de la production certifiée ISO 9002 à Cork (Irlande).

Pour toute question financière, contactez:

Frederic Convent, Directeur Financier Tél + 32 (0) 16 317 411 courriel : investor@option.com

A propos de Midcap Events : www.midcapevents.com

Leuven - Belgium, September 7 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced the quad-band version of its flagship GlobeTrotter FUSION™ product. The GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD is the world’s first 5-band wireless data card combining 3G UMTS at 2100 MHz for EMEA markets, quad- band GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz for worldwide markets and WLAN 802.11g in a single PC data card.

The data card is already shipping to a number of mobile network operators supporting the commercialization of “single tariff packages” combining both UMTS/GPRS and WLAN/Wi-Fi services to their customers.

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing: “We continue to see an increased need for the business professional to have access to E-mail, Internet and Corporate Intranet services across the world. We accommodated this need for the first time in June of this year when we announced our first quad-band data card, the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD. We now push ahead and strengthen the product range with the addition of GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD. Both FUSION products, the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ (dual band) and the new quad-band version, will co-exist in our product portfolio as we see a strong demand from network operators for both national and international variants of our data cards.”

The GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD further extends Option’s range of GlobeTrotter wireless data cards: GlobeTrotter (GPRS), GlobeTrotter COMBO™ (GPRS/WLAN), GlobeTrotter COMBO EDGE™ (EDGE/GPRS/WLAN), GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD (3G UMTS/GPRS), GlobeTrotter FUSION™ (3G UMTS/GPRS/WLAN), GlobeTrotter EDGE™ (EDGE/GPRS) and GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE™ (3G UMTS/EDGE/GPRS).

Other product highlights:

- 5-band wireless data card for use on 3G UMTS networks at 2100 MHz for EMEA markets and quad band GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz for worldwide markets

- GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD supports WLAN 802.11g and 802.11b standards

- Supports IPSec client software for end to end secure corporate data exchange and synchronization over VPN

- Future proof through user upgrade Flash Memory technology

- Seamless handover between WLAN and 2.5G/3G networks with Mobile IP option

- Transparent handover between UMTS and GSM/GPRS networks

- Compatible with nearly all popular notebook PC’s equipped with Type II PC Card slot and Microsoft Windows Operating System

- GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD support for MAC O/S and Linux on request

- GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD is customizable for mobile operators and IT manufacturers

In addition to the GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD wireless data card, Option offers its premier GlobeTrotter Mobility Manager™ software enabling users of the card to have fast, simple and easy access to wireless data whilst hiding from the user the complexity of underlying wireless 3G UMTS, GPRS and WLAN technologies. In conjunction with Option’s mobile IP solution the user will be able to seamlessly roam between access technologies 3G, 2G and WLAN with automatic authentication using GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD inbuilt support for PC Smart Card and EAP-SIM.

For more detailed information and screenshots

GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD: www.option.com/products/fusionquad.shtml

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Leuven - Belgium, August 24 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that 3 Scandinavia (www.tre.se) has chosen the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ as its wireless broadband data card for the Swedish and Danish markets. The GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ data card will be sold under 3’s brand and product shipments will commence next month. The selection by 3 in Scandinavia for Option’s GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ product follows the decision earlier this year by Hutchison 3G Austria to launch the same data card for its local market.

3 Scandinavia focuses its activities on mobile services delivering 3G mobile multimedia and communications under the brand “3” in Sweden and Denmark, offering a convergence of media, information and telephony to enable live video calls, multimedia content and entertainment to its mobile users. In Sweden and Denmark 3 is owned by Hutchison Whampoa (60%) and Investor AB (40%), who have solid network and industry track records worldwide. 3 is building mobile multimedia services together with other Hutchison Whampoa companies in Australia, Austria, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, and the United Kingdom. 3 also holds a UMTS license in Norway.

The GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ is the world’s first 5-band wireless data card to combine 3G UMTS at 2100 MHz for EMEA markets with Quad band GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz for worldwide markets within a single PC data card. On a 3G network, the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ enables a connection to the internet at data speeds of up to 384kbps. In areas where 3G service coverage is not available the data card continues to provide a reliable and secure data connection over the widely available GPRS service.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today reported results for the second quarter 2005.

Download Q2 2005 Results UK version

Download Q2 2005 Results_NL version

Leuven - Belgium, July 18 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that it has been selected by leading telecommunications supplier Telefónica Móviles Espana to supply two wireless data cards for the operator’s mobile professional customers: the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ and the GlobeTrotter 3G. Telefónica’s choice for both products can be considered as an additional recognition that Option’s product portfolio is one of the broadest in the industry.

In a market where the business requirements of the mobile professional can vary widely, Telefónica’s mobile business users now have a choice between a high-end 3G/GPRS/WLAN data card (GlobeTrotter FUSION™) or the entry-level 3G/GPRS data card (GlobeTrotter 3G).

“We are delighted to have Telefónica Móviles as a new customer,” says Option’s CEO Jan Callewaert. “This agreement is important for us because it is the result of the excellent partnership we have with the FreeMove alliance (see below), and most members of the alliance are already sourcing their wireless data cards from Option. We see our broad product portfolio, operator centric customization capabilities, and excellence in quality, as the real strengths of our business offer. I am looking forward to a long-term and fruitful relationship with Telefónica.”

Telefónica Móviles is part of the Telefónica Group (Madrid, New York: TEM), one of the world’s top telecommunications companies with a client-base of over 100 million customers in a potential market of 500 million. It is the incumbent operator in Spain, with more than 19 million fixed and mobile telephony customers. The group also has the largest percentage of business outside its home market, making it a reference point in the Spanish/Portuguese speaking world. Telefónica has been a stable presence in Latin America for 14 years. It ranks as the number one operator in the region, with over 47 million cellular customers in addition to offering integral communications solutions for businesses.

Telefónica Móviles is a member of the FreeMove alliance, www.freemovealliance.com. Together with Telecom Italia Mobile, Orange and T-Mobile, the alliance is the number one network provider in all main European countries reaching 170 million customers in 21 countries. The FreeMove alliance is committed to using its collective scale, strength and expertise to deliver greater choice, flexibility and transparency.

On 3G networks the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ and the GlobeTrotter 3G data cards enable broadband connection to the internet at data speeds of up to 384 Kbps. Move within range of a public WiFi hotspot, the corporate wireless LAN or your home wireless network, and the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ 3G/WLAN card provides connection at speeds up to 54 Mbps. In areas where 3G or WiFi services are not available both the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ and the GlobeTrotter 3G will supply reliable and secure data connection via GPRS services.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact:

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

For more information about the company, visit us at www.option.com

Leuven - Belgium, July 11 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that Airtel India has selected Option’s GlobeTrotter EDGE data card as wireless data solution for their mobile users. The data card is being marketed directly by Airtel to its customers whilst nationwide in-country support and supply logistics are provided by Option’s Indian based partner Capitel Wireless.

Jan Callewaert, CEO at Option: “India is rapidly becoming the world's fourth largest economy and is already one of the world markets with the highest prospect for growth. It was clear to us that this was a business opportunity that could not be overlooked. I am therefore delighted that Airtel has chosen Option’s EDGE data card as the preferred data solution for their customers. Option’s entrance in the Indian market demonstrates that our technology and customer focus is highly appreciated worldwide. I am looking forward to a mutually beneficial long term partnership with Airtel.”

Mr. Atul Bindal, Director & Group Chief Marketing Officer – Mobility, Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd., "The launch of the Airtel Data Card adds to our suite of m-business solutions. The data card will enable the most comprehensive wireless data connectivity for people on the move all across the country and whilst roaming internationally. As leaders, Airtel has always ensured that our customers get the best value, enjoy the finest services, and benefit from cutting edge products. This data card is yet a further example of our quality commitment to our customers.”

Airtel is India’s leading GSM service provider with over 10.6 million mobile customers. The company is affiliated with Bharti Cellular Limited part of the biggest private integrated telecom conglomerate Bharti Enterprises. Bharti (NSE: BARTHI, BSE: BARTHI) provides a range of telecom services, which include Cellular, Basic, Internet and, recently introduced, National Long Distance. Bharti offers mobile services in 23 out of 23 circles in India, has a footprint in 21 states covering all four metros and has as of the end of February 2005 more than 11.5 million satisfied customers.

Option’s supply and logistics partner in India, Capitel Wireless Private Limited, is a national leader in providing wireless communication solutions and products that enable mobile operators to improve their productivity, coverage and capacity. Founded in 2001, Capitel Wireless has experienced phenomenal growth through its alliances with high technology corporations in more advanced countries and has become a competitive telecommunication solution provider with access to the highest standards of technology. Capitel Wireless has become one of the most successful and fastest growing companies in India focusing on the distribution of communications products, mobile handset terminals, and next generation communication devices.

In addition to the GlobeTrotter EDGE wireless data card, Option is supplying its premier GlobeTrotter Mobility Manager™ software enabling users of the card to have fast, simple and easy access to wireless data whilst hiding from the user the complexity of underlying wireless technologies. In conjunction with Unlimited Connection™, Option’s mobile IP solution, the user will be able to seamlessly roam between the data card’s EDGE and GPRS technologies and other network connections available to the notebook computer such as Wi-Fi, Ethernet LAN or ADSL. Both data cards fully support Microsoft’s PC Smart Card standard and include EAP-SIM extensions for user-transparent and automatic authentication to third party networks.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact:

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Leuven - Belgium, July 6 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that KPN (Euronext: KPN KON), the leading Dutch mobile operator has selected Option’s GlobeTrotter FUSION™ as the wireless broadband data solution for its mobile customers. The data card is supplied and supported by Option’s partner DAI Telecom/Telit. KPN commercialises the data card as “Mobile Connect Card Wi-Fi/UMTS/GPRS”.

KPN, the market leader in the Netherlands, offers both fixed and mobile telecommunication services to consumer and business segments providing a wide range of mobile communication, information, entertainment and commercial services within the Dutch market. As a business partner, KPN supports their customers' activities with state-of-the-art integrated mobile communication solutions. The company serves more than 6.2 million mobile users in Holland and also operates mobile networks in Germany (E-Plus) and in Belgium (BASE) with substantial market presence in these countries through their strong local brands. KPN continues to invest in the future by implementing a convergent broadband strategy that combines cellular 3G/GPRS with traditional fixed line and Wi-Fi services. KPN has chosen Option’s Globetrotter FUSION™ data card, integrating 3G/GPRS and Wi-Fi technologies in a single product, as the ideal convergent solution for its mobile users

Dai Telecom which is part of Telit Communications group is an international provider of cutting-edge cellular M2M (Machine-to-Machine) technology, and a prominent branded enhanced value-added reseller (EVAR) of a range of advanced cellular devices worldwide. Telit is at the forefront of the cellular revolution, as both a producer and marketer of advanced cellular technology and products. Telit owns a large number of valuable patents and has especially strong in-house technology and development expertise. This mix of technological proficiency and marketing know-how has allowed Telit to effectively and nimbly penetrate numerous market segments by rapidly adapting existing manufacturer products to market or brand-specific demands.

On a 3G network the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ enables broadband connection to the internet at data speeds of up to 384kbps. Move into a range of public WiFi hotspot, the corporate WLAN or your home wireless network and the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ provides connection at speeds up to 54Mbps. In areas where 3G or WiFi services are not available GlobeTrotter FUSION™ still ensures reliable and secure data connection over the widely available GPRS services.

For more information please contact:

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven (Belgium). The company has an extensive Research & Development centre based in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork (Ireland).

Leuven - Belgium, July 5 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that Swisscom Mobile has selected Option’s GlobeTrotter COMBO EDGE™ as its EDGE data solution for the Swiss market. The data card is marketed under Swisscom Mobile’s brand ‘Unlimited PC Card EDGE/GPRS/WLAN’. The GlobeTrotter COMBO EDGE™ is the second data card from the Option portfolio of wireless data cards to be selected by Swisscom, and follows the success of the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ data card launched on the Swiss market last year.

Swisscom Mobile, Switzerland’s leading Telecoms Company, with a customer base of 4.0 million mobile users, recently announced the launch of EDGE and as such introduced Switzerland's first broadband mobile network with nationwide coverage. EDGE complements Swisscom Mobile's existing technology mix, which includes UMTS and WLAN, and increases the average mobile bandwidth from 30 to as much as 200 kbps. After having announced EDGE mobile phones, the company now introduces its first EDGE/WLAN PC data card for mobile professionals.

Swisscom Mobile's UMTS network currently supplies some 90% of the Swiss population and is complemented by more than 800 WLAN hotspots enabling very high bandwidths in some locations. Thanks to the combination of these technologies and the recent inclusion of EDGE, the mobile bandwidth available to NATEL® customers has been increased from 30 to 100-200 kbps - many times faster than that of ISDN which is available more or less all over Switzerland. With this move, Swisscom Mobile is again taking a leading role in Switzerland and Europe.

Mobile Unlimited, the service that comes with all Swisscom data cards, enables fast, uninterrupted mobile access to the Internet and company data. The software always selects the fastest available technology (GPRS, EDGE or WLAN) at any given time. Due to the integration of seamless handover technology, the connection remains up during the switchover from one transmission technology to another. The user only has to connect once. With Mobile Unlimited data communications are as simple and fast on the move as they are from a fixed workstation with broadband access.

Other mobile operators can licence Mobile Unlimited seamless handover technology from Option under the brand name “Unlimited Connection”. Option offers the Unlimited Connection companion software as a complement to its range of wireless data cards and is taking the lead in the world wide marketing of Unlimited Connection.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact:

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Leuven - Belgium, July 4 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that ONE GmbH, serving about 1.5 million customers, has selected Option’s GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™. Earlier this year One GmbH selected Option’s GlobeTrotter FUSION™ data card that combines 3G/UMTS/GPRS and Wi-Fi technologies.

ONE Austria, which covers 98% of the population, is offering GPRS, UMTS and WLAN services to its customers. ONE is member of the Starmap Mobile Alliance (www.starmapalliance.com) which is helping the company to improve its position in the Austrian market through giving all customers access to excellent services when being abroad and offering a network of partners where customers feel like at home. Turnover end of 2004 reached 705 million Euro's with investments of up to 1.81 billion Euro's. Shareholders include German E.ON (50.10%) Norway's Telenor (17.45%), Orange France (17.45%) and Denmark's TDC (15%).

In selecting this second data card from Option’s portfolio of wireless broadband products ONE is able to now offer its mobile users an entry level and price competitive 3G-only data card. ONE’s continued choice for Option’s products further demonstrates the confidence that it has in the company’s high quality leading edge wireless data solutions.

GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ is the perfect data card solution for the transatlantic user. The data card delivers broadband wireless capability to laptops and notebooks by combining 3G UMTS at 2100 MHz for EMEA markets and Quad band GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz for worldwide markets in a single PC data card. On a 3G network, GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ enables connection to the Internet at data speeds of up to 384kbps. In areas where 3G services are not available, the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ still enables reliable and secure data connections over GPRS.

For more information please contact:

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven (Belgium). The company has an office in Atlanta (US), Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork (Ireland).

Leuven - Belgium, June 30 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that Orange UK, one of the leading mobile network operators, has chosen the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ 3G UMTS/ GPRS/WLAN data card to further extend their offering of high speed wireless data solutions to the business market. Option’s FUSION product is marketed and sold under the Orange brand. The selection by Orange in the UK for Option’s GlobeTrotter FUSION™ product endorses the decision by Orange France earlier this year to launch FUSION within its local market.

Orange has the UK's broadest integrated 3G/GPRS network for business, with 70% of the population covered by its 3G network - when customers move out of 3G coverage they will seamlessly transfer to the GPRS network. Orange has 3G coverage in major cities including London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Bristol, Belfast, Glasgow, Sheffield, Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Leeds, as well as popular locations such as business parks, mainline intercity railway stations, motorway service areas, airports, conference centers, and hotels.

Orange UK customers are able to use 3G services in ten other countries, including France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Finland, Austria and Hong Kong - with more being added.

Orange is a founding member of the FreeMove alliance, www.freemovealliance.com. Together with Telecom Italia Mobile, Telefónica Móviles and T-Mobile, the FreeMove alliance is the number one network provider in all main European countries reaching 170 million customers in 21 countries. The FreeMove alliance is committed to using its collective scale, strength and expertise to deliver greater choice, flexibility and transparency.

On a 3G network the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ enables connection to the internet at data speeds of up to 384kbps. Move into a range of public WiFi hotspot, the corporate WLAN or your home wireless network and the GlobeTrotter FUSION™ provides connection at speeds up to 54Mbps. In areas where 3G or WiFi services are not available GlobeTrotter FUSION™ still ensures reliable and secure data connection over the widely available GPRS services.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact:

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO and General Counsel

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

NEW YORK, June 24, 2005 - The Bank of New York, a global leader in securities servicing, has been selected as depositary for Option N.V.'s American depositary receipt (ADR) program. Each Option ADR represents one ordinary share of the company. The ADRs trade on the over-the-counter market under the symbol "OPNVY" and the ordinary shares are listed on the Euronext Brussels stock exchange.

Based in Belgium, Option N.V. designs, develops and manufactures technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Frederic Convent, chief financial officer at Option, said, "The U.S. is an important market for our company, as shown by the fact that even before our ADR program, some 7% of our shares were owned by U.S. investors. With the establishment of this ADR program, we are confident that we can further raise our company's visibility with U.S. investors and sell-side research analysts."

Option's headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has a research & development center in Leuven, a software and applications development center in Adelsried, Germany, and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland. More information about the company is available at www.option.com.

The Bank of New York sponsors more than 1,190 American and global depositary receipt programs, a 64% market share, acting in partnership with leading companies from 60 countries. With an unrivalled commitment to helping securities issuers succeed in the world's rapidly evolving financial markets, the Bank delivers the industry's most comprehensive suite of integrated depositary receipt, corporate trust and stock transfer services. Additional information is available at www.adrbny.com.

The Bank of New York Company, Inc. (NYSE: BK) is a global leader in providing a comprehensive array of services that enable institutions and individuals to move and manage their financial assets in more than 100 markets worldwide. The Company has a long tradition of collaborating with clients to deliver innovative solutions through its core competencies: securities servicing, treasury management, investment management, and individual & regional banking services. The Company's extensive global client base includes a broad range of leading financial institutions, corporations, government entities, endowments and foundations. Its principal subsidiary, The Bank of New York, founded in 1784, is the oldest bank in the United States and has consistently played a prominent role in the evolution of financial markets worldwide. Additional information is available at www.bankofny.com.

For further information, please contact:

Dori Flanagan

(212) 815-2291

Leuven - Belgium, June 20 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OPIN.BR), the wireless technology company, today announced that Hutchison 3G Austria or 3 (www.drei.com) has chosen the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ as wireless broadband data card for the Austrian market. The data card will be sold under 3’s brand.

Hutchison 3G Austria is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hong Kong based Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. The company delivers third-generation mobile multimedia and communications services under the 3 brand in Austria, offering a convergence of media, information and telephony to enable live video calls, multimedia content and entertainment while on the move. As of March 2005 the company served more than 240,000 customers. 3 services are available from sister companies in Australia, UK, Denmark, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy and Sweden. 3 also holds UMTS licenses in Ireland and Norway.

The GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ was the world’s first 5-band wireless data card combining 3G UMTS at 2100 MHz for EMEA markets and Quad band GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz for worldwide markets in a single PC data card. On a 3G network, the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ enables a connection to the internet at data speeds of up to 384kbps. In areas where 3G service coverage is not available the data card continues to provide a reliable and secure data connection over the widely available GPRS service.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO and General Counsel

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

About 3

Hutchison 3G Austria is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa Limited (“HWL”). Based in Hong Kong, HWL has been granted an UMTS license in November 2000 to operate third generation mobile services in Austria. In May 2003, Hutchison 3G Austria launched the first purely mobile multimedia in the Austrian market under the brand “3” and has already acquired the status of UMTS market leader with a total of 240,000 customers (as of March 2005). 3 is a convergence of telecommunication, internet and classic media, providing innovative multimedia products and services for mobile usage (e.g. video call, video clips, etc.) and conventional mobile communication services (e.g. voice calls, SMS, MMS).

Questions toMag. Maritheres Paul

Company spokesperson

Hutchison 3G Austria Gmb

Tel.: +43 (0) 50660 33700

3Mobile: +43 (0) 660 3773773

Fax: +43 (0) 50660 10200

Email: maritheres.paul@drei.com

Web: www.drei.at/Presse

+ Financial news

+ Certification

11/04/2013 GlobeSurfer III Reference Manual

GlobeSurfer III Reference Manual - revised on 5th March 2012

+ Beemo

15/03/2013 Beemo datasheet

+ CloudGate

+ Expansion Cards

+ GlobeSurfer iCON

+ GlobeSurfer iCON 7.2

11/04/2013 iCON 7.2 firmware and software updater

The iCON 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeSurfer iCON 7.2 S

11/04/2013 iCON 7.2 firmware and software updater

The iCON 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeSurfer iCON HSUPA E

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeSurfer II 1.8

+ GlobeSurfer II 7.2 E

18/03/2013 Dynamic DNS setup

Step by step description on how to set up Dynamic DNS in GlobeSurfer II 7.2

+ GlobeSurfer III

11/04/2013 GlobeSurfer III Reference Manual

GlobeSurfer III Reference Manual - revised on 5th March 2012

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III Notifier software

This application is the interface between the GlobeSurfer® III device and your personal desktop. It allows you to see incoming messages, phone calls, etc. on your desktop.

04/01/2013 IPSec configuration document V2

This document provides a description of how to configure an IPSec tunnel on
the GlobeSurfer® III.

+ GlobeSurfer X.1

19/03/2013 GlobeSurfer X.1 Firmware

This firmware updater cannot be run on a MAC running Safari browser. Please use Firefox or Chrome.
This firmware updater cannot be used for devices purchased through a network operator. Please contact your network operator for further information.

+ GlobeSurfer3+

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III+ Firmware R1N89

Please read 'What is new in firmware R1N89' document for updates in this firmware revision.

Note: The firmware upgrade process can take up to 20 minutes. Interrupting the process might lead to permanent failure of the device. Note: this update cannot be used with devices purchased through a network operator. Please contact your network operator directly for assistance.

04/01/2013 What is new in firmware R1N89

Please read document for new features in this firmware R1N89

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III Notifier software

This application is the interface between the GlobeSurfer® III device and your personal desktop. It allows you to see incoming messages, phone calls, etc. on your desktop.

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III+ 1.4 FAQ in PDF format

Frequently Asked Questions

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer III+ Firmware update procedure 1.0

GlobeSurfer III+ Firmware update procedure


04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III+ Reference Manual

Revised version to include watchdog and SMS control features.


04/01/2013 IPSec configuration document V2

This document provides a description of how to configure an IPSec tunnel on
the GlobeSurfer® III.

04/01/2013 Port Forwarding Configuration V2

This document provides a description of how to configure Port Forwarding rules on the GlobeSurfer® III.


04/01/2013 ADSL Failover Configuration V2

This document provides a description of how to configure the ADSL Failover functionality on the GlobeSurfer® III.


04/01/2013 Print server and storage server configuration

This document provides a description of how to configure a print server and a file server connected to the USB port of the GlobeSurfer III.


+ GlobeTrotter

+ GlobeTrotter 3G

+ GlobeTrotter 3G Quad

+ GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE

+ GlobeTrotter Combo

+ GlobeTrotter Combo EDGE

+ GlobeTrotter EDGE

+ GlobeTrotter Ex Converter

+ GlobeTrotter Ex Converter 5

+ GlobeTrotter Express 441

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
10/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for GlobeTrotter Express 441 & 442)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter Express 442

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
10/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for GlobeTrotter Express 441 & 442)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter Express 7.2 E

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Express 7.2 firmware and software updater

The GlobeTrotter Express 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.2
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA E

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

05/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA firmware and software upgrader

The GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA device will be updated to :
    Firmware 2.12.3Hd
    Windows software : GlobeTrotter Connect
    MAC software : GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

+ GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA W

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

05/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA firmware and software upgrader

The GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA device will be updated to :
    Firmware 2.12.3Hd
    Windows software : GlobeTrotter Connect
    MAC software : GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


+ GlobeTrotter Fusion

+ GlobeTrotter Fusion + 3G/EDGE (EMEA)

+ GlobeTrotter Fusion + HSDPA (EMEA)

+ GlobeTrotter Fusion Quad

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX 7.2 Ready E

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 firmware and software updater

GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX 7.2 Ready W

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 firmware and software updater

GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX E

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX HSUPA E

11/04/2013 Firmware and software updater for GlobeTrotter Max HSUPA

The GlobeTrotter GT Max HSUPA device will be updated to :
Firmware 2.12.3Hd
Windows software to GlobeTrotter Connect
MAC software to GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX HSUPA W

11/04/2013 Firmware and software updater for GlobeTrotter Max HSUPA

The GlobeTrotter GT Max HSUPA device will be updated to :
Firmware 2.12.3Hd
Windows software to GlobeTrotter Connect
MAC software to GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter HSDPA

+ GlobeTrotter HSDPA 7.2 Ready E

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 firmware and software updater

GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

+ Gobi 1000

+ Gobi 2000

+ GTM378 E

+ GTM378 EL

+ GTM378 JD

+ GTM378 W

+ GTM380 E

05/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for modules

Connection software for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

+ GTM382 AWS

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

+ GTM382 E

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

+ GTM382 W

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

+ GTM501

+ GTM601W/GTM609W

16/05/2013 GPS AT command spec
16/05/2013 AT command spec
03/05/2013 Linux driver 1.10.0

Supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.27 to 3.2

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

16/01/2013 Windows driver

Windows 7 support: - NDIS connection mode : legacy - GPS mode : legacy
Supports Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista and Windows 7

+ GTM661W

16/05/2013 GPS AT command spec
16/05/2013 AT command spec
03/05/2013 Linux driver 1.10.0

Supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.27 to 3.2

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

16/01/2013 Windows driver

Windows 7 support: - NDIS connection mode : legacy - GPS mode : legacy
Supports Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista and Windows 7

+ GTM671W/GTM679W

16/05/2013 GPS AT command spec
16/05/2013 AT command spec
03/05/2013 Linux driver 1.10.0

Supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.27 to 3.2

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

16/01/2013 Windows driver

Windows 7 support: - NDIS connection mode : legacy - GPS mode : legacy
Supports Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista and Windows 7

+ GTM681W/GTM689W

03/05/2013 Windows driver

Supports Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista and Windows 7

03/05/2013 Linux driver 1.10.0

Supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.27 to 3.2

+ GTM809U

+ iCON 210

+ iCON 225

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 2.18.0
07/06/2013 iCON 225 Superfire firmware upgrader

This upgrader will upgrade the iCON 225 to firmware version 2.5.24
Note: This flasher can only upgrade Option standard iCON 225 devices. 

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 315

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

+ iCON 322

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.0 for Windows

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.0 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

GlobeTrotter Connect for MAX OSX 10.3, 10.4, 10.5

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 401

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
20/03/2013 iCON 401 firmware upgrader

Firmware upgrader to version 2.12.0
This upgrader is designed for Option standard device only. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

+ iCON 431

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

20/03/2013 iCON 431 firmware and software upgrader

Upgrade firmware to version 2.12.0Hd and software to GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows and 3.1.19 for MAC OSX
This upgrader is designed for Option standard device only. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 451

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

20/03/2013 iCON 451/452 GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows

Connection software for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 (Legacy mode only)

20/03/2013 iCON 451/452 firmware and software upgrader

Upgrade firmware to version 2.12.0Hd and software to GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows and 3.1.78 for MAC OSX
This upgrader is designed for Option standard device only. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 452

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

20/03/2013 iCON 451/452 GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows

Connection software for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 (Legacy mode only)

20/03/2013 iCON 451/452 firmware and software upgrader

Upgrade firmware to version 2.12.0Hd and software to GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows and 3.1.78 for MAC OSX
This upgrader is designed for Option standard device only. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 461

20/03/2013 iCON 461 GPS control panel for Windows

Enables the user to activate or deactivate the GPS port

20/03/2013 iCON 461 GPS control panel for MAC

Enables the user to activate or deactivate the GPS port

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 505

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for MAC)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for Windows)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

20/03/2013 iCON 505 firmware and software upgrader

Upgrade frimware to version 3.19.0 (HSDPA category to 14.4 mbps) and software to uCan Connect version

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 505 M

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for MAC)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for Windows)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 711

12/03/2013 How to use the iCON 711 in Linux

The download contains a document on how to use the iCON 711 in Linux.

12/03/2013 iCON 711 Datasheet


04/01/2013 Driver installer package

This driver installer can only be used in Windows 7 Mobile Broadband mode. After installation, connection of the Option device can be made through Windows Mobile Broadband instead of using Option connection managers.

Important note: This driver CANNOT be installed on any other Microsoft OS than on the Windows 7.
If you already have installed the GlobeTrotter Connect, this driver package CANNOT be installed on top. This will create a driver conflict.

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

19/03/2013 iCON XY datasheet


+ uCAN Connect Premium 3.0

+ VIU2

04/01/2013 How to add your APN to VIU²

How to manually add an APN or disable the PIN code of your SIM card

04/01/2013 VIU² FAQ 1.1 in PDF format

Frequently Asked Questions and answers

04/01/2013 VIU² Quick Start Guide

Quick and easy set up (also details LED status indicators)

04/01/2013 VIU² Datasheet


+ XYFI Power Extensions

08/07/2013 FAQ on XYFI Power Extensions in PDF format

Frequently Asked Questions and answers

+ Governance statement

Corporate Governance Statement (NL)

Download here





+ Board of directors

The articles of association stipulate that the Board of Directors is composed of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members, who are appointed by the general shareholders meeting for a maximum period of six years. The Board of Directors has to contain at least three independent directors.

The Board of Directors is currently composed of four members, namely: Eric Van Zele (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Raju Dandu,  Martine Reynaers and Paul Matthijs.

Eric Van Zele

Mr. Eric Van Zele currently serves as Chairman of Reynaers Aluminium and Crescent NV. He was recently appointed chairman of the E17 network of hospitals and of the Hermes decision committee of The Flemish agency for Innovation and entrepreneurship. He continues to serve as a director of Barco NV. Prior to his current mandates Eric served as president and CEO of Barco NV in Kortrijk from 2009 thru 2016. He served as CEO of Pauwels International (from 2004 thru 2008) and of Telindus nv (2000 thru 2003). Prior to that, he served as Vice President of Raychem Corporation in Menlo park, CA, USA and as Managing Director of Raychem nv in Leuven, Belgium. (1972 thru 1999). He was nominated “Manager of the Year in 2012” and “ICT Personality of 2013”. Eric holds a masters degree in electrical and mechanical engineering from the KUL in Leuven (1972) and postgraduate degrees in management from Stanford University (1992 CA, USA).


Raju Dandu

Mr. Raju S. Dandu is the Founder-Chairman of Danlaw Inc. USA. He is also the Managing Director of Danlaw Technologies India Ltd. He is responsible for strategic planning and corporate management of both companies. Prior to founding Danlaw Inc., he held positions at the University of Iowa hospitals, Ford Motor Company, Dana Corporation and worked as an independent consultant at General Motors.  He holds a bachelors’ degree in electronics engineering from Kakinada, India, a masters in electronics from University of Iowa and an MBA from University of Detroit.


Martine Reynaers

In 1980, Martine started her career as Financial Analyst of Technicon in Paris, a subsidiary of the
American Revlon Group.
In 1982, she was appointed Financial Manager of Wexal International Ltd, an aluminium extrusion
company in Enniscorthy, Ireland.
In 1983, she moved to the Reynaers headquarters in Belgium, where she took up the position of
Financial Manager. From 1986 onwards, Martine has been the Managing Director of Reynaers until
June 2021 when she will retire from this position and take on the role of Chair of the Board.


Paul Matthijs

Next to holding several non-executive advisory positions, Paul Matthijs is COO of Vlerick Business School.  Prior to this, Paul Matthijs  was  CEO of Niko until 2019 and held several senior executive positions in R&D, product management and general management in the Medical Imaging and Entertainment division and the Retail and Advertising Venture of Barco. Mr. Matthijs' career at Barco spanned over 30 years.  He holds a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering and an MBA from the Vlerick Business School.







+ Analyst Coverage

Guy Sips
Equity Analyst
KBC Securities
E-mail: guy.sips@kbcsecurities.be
Havenlaan 12 SMK 8374, B-1080 Brussels

Gert De Mesure
Vlaamse Federatie van Beleggingsclubs en Beleggers
E-mail: gert.de.mesure@skynet.be
Langestraat 221, B-2240 Zandhoven


+ Stock Quotes

Information about the Option share price can be found on several websites:


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Apply via recruitment@option.com.